2 hrs

  • For any tattoo that will take 2 hours or less to complete.

    This booking is ideal for tattoos on the smaller side or palm sized tattoos that aren't crazy detailed. This is also the perfect appointment slot to stack multiple small tattoos in one sitting.

    1x1 - 5x5 inches in size.

  • $300

Full Day Session

  • For large scale work and ongoing projects that will take over 4 hours to work on or complete.

    Large scale pieces and projects such as, sleeves, backpieces, chest pieces, etc. This is also perfect for large 4+ hour sessions on a large scale project.

    8x8+ inches in size.

  • $1200

Half Day Session

  • For any tattoo that can be completed within 3-4 hours.

    Most palm sized or slightly larger tattoos will fit into this category. This is also perfect for large 3-4 hour sessions on a large scale project.

    5x5 - 8x8 inches in size. (depending on level of detail.)

  • $600